Payment Invoice

Please pay the invoice below and we will forward funds less bitcoin fees and less our fee of 0.00004000 BTC to below bitcoin address.

Invoice Id: 3421
Creation DateTime: Fri Apr 02 00:47:06 UTC 2021
Bitcoin Return Address: 19K99x4CYFpiSSANxJv2gPb1YWYG8EokU1
Amount: 0.00008300 BTC
Lightning Invoice: lnbc83u1psxv6v2pp5293xzx9s0eydxjwjmt9kh7ejkch5w83v80pdtax3p74892tyw8pqdqqxqrrsscqp79qy9qsqsp556csujnsxe02et8hdn5rsxgnfczw428eaypy9x83hhmmkm6fv46svvleqavhmyd5jxy8un5xczag2q3xayeuas04d5pg9m7xu674vkkz5f7tls5fqnjyu83xn09vcfg6d6lluwz7ruf2ge48755jxsvetaqqte8qgp
Pay Tx Hash:
Pay Tx Confirms:
Paid Date: Not Paid Yet
Pay Tx Conf Date: Not Confirmed Yet
Error: error in making payment:rpc.RPCError: The transaction amount is too small to pay the fee